Arduino door lock

Arduino door lock. Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino. Komputer / Laptop yang sudah terinstal Arduino IDE, jika belum menginstal Arduino IDE klik disini. Connect your Arduino to the computer using the cable and open IDE. Simply connect RX on the Bluetooth module to TX on our Arduino board, TX on the module is then connected to RX on the Arduino, GND is obviously connected to ground, and lastly VCC is connected to 3. Connect your Arduino to your laptop or PC and upload the code. If we do NOT set a timeout in the Arduino code, the timeout is equal to the time delay in the sensor's setting. OK enjoy it now. Drill this two holes in the middle of the door (not like i did on the photo) unless you use 2 servos (this is better for large doors) Mount the U-shape on the door with two rivets. It is a very usef Oct 6, 2023 · The Biometric Security System is designed to provide secure access control using fingerprint verification. Arduino to LCD display connections: RFID-RC522 to Arduino Nano connections: Relay module to Arduino connections: Other connections: Program code: Required Libraries: Working of RFID door lock system using Arduino; Important Notes and Troubleshoot guide: Video Tutorial: Quick Steps. This can be done by: Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE. Search “ezLED”, then find the led library by ArduinoGetStarted. Next, set a 220 ohm resistor in series from pin 4 to D8 on your Arduino. Lcd Wiring Figure. Download the codes from Here, Here you can find all the codes and libraries. At its core, the system comprises a R305 fingerprint module, an Arduino microcontroller, a relay, a solenoid lock, an LCD display, and four push buttons. Lock Size: 53 x 39 x 25 (mm) Bolt Dimension: 9. The system consists of an Arduino Uno microcontroller, an MFRC522 RFID/NFC reader, an SPDT relay, and a 12V DC The electromagnetic lock usually uses 12V, 24V or 48V power suppply. 8 x 9 (mm) Weight: 150g. After, paste it into the main program. A 10K resistor is used between the VCC and OUT pin of the Hall Effect sensor. Step 2: Build the Arduino Controller. Mar 9, 2020 · R307 fingerprint sensor is very tough to use there is multiple wire in the sensor which need to be correctly connected to the Arduino. Arduino takes serial input to its Rx pin, from the RFID Reader. Hello friends, In this Project, we will learn how to make door lock which control with voice commands. Untuk Wiring Solenoid Door Lock Menggunaka Kontak NO Pada Relay, Seperti pada gambar. Three push buttons and a 16×2 LCD screen complete the 12VDC (you can use 9-12 DC volts, but lower voltage results in weaker/slower operation) Draws 650mA at 12V, 500 mA at 9V when activated. Interfacing AS608 Optical Fingerprint Sensor Module with Arduino provides a comprehensive guide on integrating the AS608 optical fingerprint sensor with Arduino for secure fingerprint scanning and identification. Arduino is an open-source electronic platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Press the button several times. c_cpp. Jan 24, 2020 · Connections between Arduino and RFID are given in the table below. For making this project, I use Voice recognition module V3, which we train first then this module give us voice recognition results. The OTP-Based Door Lock System is designed to enhance the security of doors by implementing a one-time password First, connect the 4X4 keypad to the Arduino; connect the first six pins on the 4X4 keypad with the A0 and A5 pins on the Arduino. I used arduino Nano connected on breadboard in the attached picture to verify that everything configured correctly. The module allows the developers to interface it with any other SPI, I2C, and UART based microcontrollers. Dec 22, 2023 · If we enter one of the previously defined passwords that is not common with the Arduino code, the flash is activated, but does not open the lock. For making password door lock you need Arduino Uno, Membrane passw The solenoid lock usually uses 12V, 24V or 48V power supply. ly/2DuN5Uj Part of List-1)Arduino Nano2)RFID Module3)Electric Lock4)Relay Card5)Battery Navigate to the Libraries icon on the left bar of the Arduino IDE. Click Install button to install ezLED library. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster. Solder the GND of the battery and servo to GND on Arduino. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating an OTP (One-Time Password) based door lock system using Arduino and various components like I2C 16×2 LCD, relay, 4×4 keypad, and GSM SIM800L module. In this project i have tried to explain how to built a Door Lock Security System with an Arduino and Keypad. If an authorized tag is tapped again, Arduino rotates servo motor back to 0°. Therefore, we CANNOT connect the solenoid lock directly to Arduino pin. The above process is repeated infinitely. After a period of time, the Arduino rotates the servo motor back to 0° without using delay () function. After it, Arduino decodes it and compares with saved pattern. Open Serial Monitor. h >//Include the Wire Library4 #include <MFRC522. I have 2 RFID cards & 1 RFID tag/Keychain. See the attraction between armature plate and electromagnet during 10 seconds. Quick Steps. If we connect the solenoid lock to a relay (normally open mode): When relay is open, door is unlocked. Jan 28, 2020 · 6042. Nov 1, 2020 · 14344. Find the Arduino program on the project page itself. Send. See the change of servo motor. The RC522 is known as MFRC-522 due to its NFX semiconductor microcontroller. com/document/d/14MgCMapmCr4xZcPecsfH1o May 6, 2022 · developing a smart door lock using Arduino that provides excellent security and quick access. Now if you type the IP in a browser URL bar, You can see UI of the web server. This way the RFID tag can be used to open the door easily. ino). Search “ezBuzzer”, then find the buzzer Radio-frequency identification, or RFID, is a wireless system that uses electromagnetic fields to transfer data from one object to a different , with-out the 2 objects touching. When you are soldering the connection for the keypad and the servo try not to have it in a place where the programing port on the Arduino UNO touches your soldered places, I did that once and I almost ended up destroying my Arduino because the 5v and the GND Mar 13, 2023 · ESP32 and Web Server – this creates the web application where we would display the result of fingerprint validation. Select the type of board and upload the code. The system provides visual and auditory feedback while keeping track of the door’s status to ensure security. lacestitadelbebe. h > 3 // declaring and defining myservo 4 Servo myservo; 5 // this variable holds the values that the servo will move 6 int Position ; 7 8 void setup() 9 { 10 // myservo is connected to PWM pin Sayed-Noman / NSU-CSE331-Password-Based-Door-Lock-Using-8051-Microcontroller. When you enter the correct 4 digit password the door is opened for 5 seconds. As a part of one of our electives, during second semester, in automation engineeri And then, select the board and port. The next step in building your fingerprint door lock with Arduino is to connect the 9-volt battery to the Arduino board. Solder the control wire of the servo to pin 9. Say goodbye to keys!Let's make a simple password-based door lock system using Arduino, a solenoid lock, a keypad matrix, and an LCD screen. So when you enter the correct password Arduino send the signal to relay module and it closes the connection making the lock to open. Part 2: (Optionally) Adding multiple RFID keys supports. Now, open the serial monitor and place the RFID tag on the RFID module. And attach the RFID reader to the outside of the door. VCC pin to 5V pin on the Arduino; GND pin to GND pin on the Arduino; TX pin to digital pin D2 on the Arduino; RX pin to digital pin D3 on the Arduino; Relay Pin D4; LCD SDA -> Arduino Arduino Keypad Door Lock System. The tutorial provides the fundamentals that you can easily and creatively modify to achieve multiple door lock control via the web and redesign the web UI. delay(DENIED_DELAY); digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW); noTone(BUZZER); Upload the code. Short and sweet tutorial. You can load as many RFID tags as you’d like onto the Arduino and add or remove tags to provide more or fewer people with access. Here A button is used as OK button. Tap RFID Tag on reader Unauthorized Tag: 51 3D C1 AC. Press 7124 keys and press #. Now after saving the input pattern, press and immediately released the push button for taking input from the sensor to Arduino to open the lock. 5 years ago. Click Install button to install keypad library. When relay is closed, door is locked. Jan 28, 2022 · Project description. Sep 13, 2018 · If you don’t want to carry keycard or memorize a passcode, this build from Electronoobs might be just the thing. RC522 is a Multi-communication RFID Module for Arduino and Microcontrollers. May 6, 2021. Onl Jun 23, 2023 · Here are the codes for RFID door lock system using Arduino and RC522. Programming Questions. Hardware components – this contains the R307 fingerprint sensor, relay, buzzer, and the solenoid door lock we used as the hardware components of our security system. Apr 10, 2022 · Circuit Diagram for RFID based door Lock using Arduino. Now for the servo just look at the photo's. It uses Arduino Nano to provide a keypad interface door lock for the front door. Designed for 1-10 seconds long activation time. it is powered by the arduino 5v pin itself and it works well with it. Jan 4, 2020 · Project Description: Password Door Lock Security System using Arduino and Keypad- in this tutorial, you will learn how to make the most efficient Password protected door lock security system using Arduino and a keypad. Persiapkan Alat dan Bahan. After, click the upload button. We used analog pins since we need more that 14 digitals pins for this project. Navigate to the Libraries icon on the left bar of the Arduino IDE. 3 volts or 5 volts depending on your Bluetooth module. Attach the Arduino, battery, and lock valve on the inside of the door. Jun 1, 2016 · There are four outputs from the Arduino, three for RGB LED, which indicates the Status of Door Lock, and one output goes to TIP31A Transistor, which opens the Electric Door lock, by giving it 12v 300mA current. Open the Arduino IDE, open the File->Preferences, Change the Sketchbook location to the location of your download code ( as above picture), and click OK and then restart the Arduino IDE. this sensor communicates with the Arduino by serial communication. Solder he connections for the Arduino, kaypad and servo. Connect a LED to digital output 13 and verify that everything is working. This can be applied to lock Apr 12, 2021 · Hello guys, In this tutorial, I will show you how to make an RFID door lock access control system using Arduino. Move the magnet close to the reed switch and them move it far from the reed switch. Program. 8mm close. Rerun arduino sketch and open the attached file (DoorLockFinalVer. The positive pin of the buzzer is connected to digital pin 4 of Arduino, and the GND pin is connected to the ground pin of Arduino. Here I’ll use Arduino Nano as the main microcontroller that controls the whole system. Jun 17, 2022 · Door lock system with Arduino and RFID Module! Hey! This project shows how to make a door lock system, using Arduino, RFID Module, OLED Display and Stepper Motor. To enter password press * button and enter 1234 through keypad and to confirm press A button. UCL-Embedded - Arduino Door Lock: This project was created by Daniel Månsson [], Flemming Andersen [flem781a] and Mikkel Pavia [mikk24b9] as an exam project at the school University College Lillebælt. Step 3: Download the Codes and Install. You can build an Arduino that reads com-mon RFID tags and cards to make access systems and to regulate digital outputs. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of enrolling and verifying fingerprints using the AS608 module. In detail, we will do: Part 1: A simple RFID door lock system with ESP8266, keypad, solenoid lock or electromagnetic lock, supports a single RFID key. The solenoid lock is connected to Arduino through the relay module. Mar 27, 2023 · An RFID/NFC door lock system using an Arduino Uno microcontroller and an SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) relay is an electronic security system that grants access to a door based on the UID (Unique Identifier) of an RFID/NFC tag. Now connect the Bluetooth module anywhere on the breadboard. h and password. sketch_finger_lock-master. h >//SPI Library3 #include < Wire. io. The green LED lights up and the relay is activated for 2 seconds, during which time we can open the door. Connect the ground connection on the power supply to the ground connection on the usb mini port and connect the red cable to the red cable on the usb mini port now lead the cable from the lock to one Step 3: Solder the Connectors. After that, connect the LCD to the Arduino. Wiring the Arduino according to the diagram as shown in the figure. Jul 10, 2020 · Learn- How to Make RFID Door Lock Using ArduinoSubscribe https://bit. Here, you should also see a buzzer that this transistor turns on and off. The Red wire is positive and it gets connect to 5v on the Arduino. We have to connect it to Arduino pin via a relay. Electronic Door Look using Arduino. . It should be noted that the library for Lcd should be installed as it includes liquid crystals. Presented here is an electronic locking system in which Arduino Nano plays the role of the processing unit. Now we have to knock 6 times. Listen to piezo buzzer's sound. Step 1: Alexa Door Lock Circuit. Even you can make Combination Safe. Make sure you get a fingerprint sensor that works with the Arduino through the serial communication. Well i have used 4x4 Keypad for this project but you can use The time delay can be set on the motion sensor and Arduino code: On motion sensor: min is 3 seconds and max id 5 minutes. Connect the I2C LCD display to Arduino using SDA (A4) and SCL (A5) pins. 12, 01-Special Issue, 2020 Secure Smart Door Lock System based on Arduino and Smartphone App Khaoula Karimi, Laboratory of Engineering Sciences and Energies, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Ouarzazate, Ibn Zohr University Agadir, Morocco. The following are the specific project goals: Familiarity with a smart door locking system based on a Jun 12, 2023 · Introduction. After this open the serial monitor and you will see a message put your card on the reader. (only when the arduino is powered with usb cable) Step 4: Sheet Metal this is used to make the case for the servo motor which allows it to properly hold the motor on the door and the rotating part properly fixed to the lever of the lock. Repeat this several times. Part 5: (Optionally) Managing and storing the valid RFID keys to Quick Steps. 3. 5. Because UID is usually not printed on RFID Tag, The first step we need to do is to find out the tag's UID. arduino. First of all, we will make the connection to the 4×4 Keypad. Dec 10, 2016 · Digital Door Lock using Arduino – Circuit Diagram. Notice that you have to connect to a common wifi router with ESP8266. Step 2: Testing the Code. 1. Only if we enter the selected password, the door will open, in our case it is "hello". Learn how to use Arduino Uno R4 WiFi to control door lock via Web, how to turn on/lock a door lock via web browser, how to program Arduino step by step. Extension length: 9. May 20, 2019 · This project is to create a smart lock door system with voice activation to open and close the door via voice sensor and Arduino Uno. It comes with an RFID card tag and key fob consisting of 1KB of memory. Aug 17, 2021 · Door Lock Password Keypad 4×4 LCD 16×2 Arduino. Wiring Arduino Keypad Door Lock Security System. h >//Library of the RFID Module5 #include < Stepper. Tap the tag that you want to register, and copy the UID. Let's start. Part 4: (Optionally) Adding a door sensor to the RFID door lock. Press button one time. Zeeshan_k. Simple Fingerprint Door Lock System Using R307 Fingerprint Sensor & Arduino: Hello friend welcome to Techno-E-Solution, In this tutorial I'll show you how to make "Fingerprint Door Lock Using Arduino &amp; Servo Motor" The need of safety can be achieved by making lock which can be electrical or mechanical with one or a few Mar 22, 2023 · Circuit installation of password-based door lock system using Arduino. May 9, 2017 · RFID and Arduino. Sep 12, 2020 · HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF FINGERPRINT BASED DOOR LOCK SYSTEM ARDUINO. This RFID lock wil Mar 31, 2020 · In this video, I show you how to use the password keypad for a door lock using arduino uno. Jun 7, 2018 · These Door lock is just electrically operating door lock which gets open when you apply some voltage (typically 12v) to it. Drill two holes in your closet door at the same distance as the holes in the metal. Jul 21, 2017 · After six times knock, Arduino find the knock pattern and save that in EEPROM. This circuit allows activation of an electronic door lock only on entering the correct password. Feb 12, 2021 · Tutorial Arduino Kontrol Solenoid Door Lock Dengan Keypad 4×3. The Orange wire is the servos source connection and it gets connected to pin 9 on the Arduino. The system uses a fingerprint reader to check to see if you have access, and if approved, the device’s Arduino Mega unlocks the theoretical door using a micro servo motor. The Brown wire on the servo is ground and it gets connected to ground on the Arduino. Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE. Features. Keypad_doorlock_relay. Wire 5V to GND (Common anode) and set a 220 ohm resistor in series from pin 1 to D9 on your Arduino. google. COM6. es There are four push buttons, if you hold the first to the left, it will bring you into settings. To make sure we can leave this we are going to need a power supply, the cable and usb mini plug to connect to the arduino. Kunci pintu digital atau disebut juga digital door lock biasanya menjadi projek paling dasar pada pembelajaran arduino, dan kali ini saya akan menulis artikel tentang tutorial mengakses solenoid door lock dengan arduino dan keypad 4×3. Part 3: (Optionally) Adding LCD display to the RFID door lock. The default pins for serial communication on the Arduino UNO are pin 0 (RXD) and pin 1 (TXD) of the board, but we are going to use other pins for serial communication. Password Based Door Lock System is a Microprocessor based Embedded System built on using 8051 microprocessor and Embedded C-programming. If you are using Arduino Mega, then there is no need to use analog Dec 28, 2023 · With this Arduino RFID Door Lock System, you can control access to a secured area using RFID cards. Connect and control your projects with our Cloud for the best IoT experience. Arduino boards are able to read inputs – light on sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message – and turn it into an output – activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing some thing online. Search “keypad”, then find the keypad library by Mark Stanley, Alexander Brevig. You can use any other type of Arduino board like Arduino Uno or Mega. Hello, friends in this post I'll show you How to make RFID based door lock system using Arduino Uno RC522 RFID module in a simple way. h library from below webpage. See the change of relay's state. Kunci pintu digital atau disebut juga digital door lock biasanya menjadi projek paling dasar pada pembelajaran arduino, dan kali ini saya akan menulis artikel tentang tutorial mengakses solenoid door lock dengan arduino dan keypad 4x3. I need help, my topic is Arduino door lock, with matrix 4x4, lcd i2c, servo and buzzer, i have entered the correct and wrong pass I need more if I enter the wrong pass more than 3 times, the door will lock and ask me to . Remember to upload the code first then uncomment line 62 to 64 and reupload, it's done only once. Jan 27, 2020 · In this video, I’ll be showing you how to build your own RFID door lock using an Arduino, an RFID sensor and a few other small components. Type your ID in the text box and if you do it correctly, Arduino will activate the lock. Feb 27, 2022 · Arduino Code for the project. Pin6 - EN to Arduino pin 7; Pin11 - D4 to Arduino pin 6; Pin12 - D5 to Arduino pin 5; Pin13 - D6 to Arduino pin 4; Pin14 - D7 to Arduino pin 3; Pin15 - Vee (to right or left pin of the potentiometer) Keypad 4x4: From left to the right pin: Pin1 to Arduino pin A5; Pin2 to Arduino pin A4; Pin3 to Arduino pin A3; Pin4 to Arduino pin A2; Pin5 to Arduino - Keypad Lock with LCD (Servo / Relay)-----•| Materials use in the video |• - A Open Arduino IDE, select the right board and port. 1 // including the servo library 2 #include < Servo. The LCD display is used to show instructions to the user. Web application – its purpose is to show to the user the Apr 11, 2022 · The RFID Door Lock System is constructed using 4 major components these are Arduino, RFID Redder Module, RFID Card or Key Fob Tag, IR Sensor, Servo Motor, and LCD Display. Here in this project we are using Arduino and relay to trigger the Electric Door Lock and RFID to authenticate, so your RFID tag will act as a key. 4×4 keypad to Arduino, with rows to pins 5, 4, 3, and 2, and columns to pins A3, A2, A1, and A0. Step 2: Wiring and Testing. Next, take the dual channel relay. I used a 12V solenoid lock to unlock the door. Feb 7, 2021 · Step 4: Adding Bluetooth. This is the best Fingerprint project for door lock and security. you’ll have used an RFID card before, like an Schematic Diagram – Fingerprint Door Lock Security Systems Using Arduino & LCD. Set schedule for locking and unlocking. Then connect the last two pins on the 4X4 keypad module to digital pins 3 and 2 on the Arduino. Get UID on Serial Monitor. 1/* This code works with 4x4 Keypad Matrix, LCD ic, relay module and a push button 2 * It's a lock where the relay can control a lock you can open either with correct code 3 * or by the push button from inside 4 Quick Steps. 2. ino. Then, you can see the UID on the serial monitor. Connect the fingerprint sensor to the Arduino board as follows: Circuit Diagram. These tags have 1kb of memory and have a microchip that can do arithmetic Nov 15, 2018 · First of all, connect the fingerprint sensor to the Arduino UNO. If you place wrong RFID card near RFID reader a buzzer will beep to alert In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use RFID/NFC tag to control servo motor using Arduino, It works as follows: If an authorized tag is tapped, Arduino rotates servo motor to 90°. This is a really easy RFID door lock mechanism which is based on the Arduino Uno and the RC522 RFID sensor, which allows you to use RFID tags or cards to lock and unlock a door, drawer or cupboard. There are two switches here. h Feb 19, 2019 · After uploading the code, Open Serial monitor of Arduino IDE and get your IP. and uses rx and tx wires for communication and data transfer. Voice Recognition Module is a compact and easy-control speaking recognition board. zip. On Arduino Code: any value, done by coding. The transistor turns the servo off when not actively used, so it doesn't hold the knob in place if you try to turn a physical key. To make this project I used Arduino Uno as a microcontroller. The connections for connecting the LCD with the Arduino are as follows. The Arduino code also supports multiple passwords. Put the armature plate close to electromagnet. If we connect the electromagnetic lock to a relay (normally open mode): When relay is open, door is unlocked. Attach the battery pack's positive and negative to the positive and negative of the servo. Arduino Code :https://docs. May 5, 2021. This Project was done for my CSE331 ( Microprocessor Interfacing & Embedded System) at North South University. Adding a Bluetooth module to our project is very easy. modified keypad lock. This project is a practical example of how Arduino and RFID technology can be used for access control applications. At first, use LCD 16*2. If you are unable to find you can contact us. For connecting the keypad with the Arduino we are using both analog and digital pins. Nov 22, 2021 · Hi everyone, Today I'm going to show how to make RFID based door lock and with Keypad 4x4 but it's ok if you have 3x4 keypad. Step 8: Power Supply. For that, use the Ctrl+C shortcut. Lock from the IoT Cloud. Connect the 9V Battery to the Arduino. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 55. Attach a servo motor to pin 6, a buzzer to pin 8, and “Green” and “Red” LEDs to pins 9 and 10, respectively. And then, copy this UID. Mar 20, 2022 · The default password is “1234”. Flatten out the tabs of a momentary push button. done via Time Delay Adjuster. Connect Arduino to PC via USB cable. The door is open The door is open The door is closed The door is closed The door is closed The door is Jul 22, 2017 · Once the timer has counted down to zero it sends a signal to rotate the servo motor 90 degrees to unlock the hatch on the box it is installed in: https://www. •. After you learned that procejt you can use that for your own room door or your wardrobe drawer . May 16, 2017 · From left to right (the LED has a flat side on its head) the pinout is RED, GND, GREEN and BLUE. 1//Including Libraries2 #include <SPI. Open Arduino IDE, select the right board and port. Currently, the password is 1234, which you can Cut off the connector of the servo and strip the ends. In detail, we will do: Part 1: A simple RFID door lock system with Arduino Nano, keypad, solenoid lock or electromagnetic lock, supports a single RFID key. One is a Relay that is turned on by a transistor BC547, whose base is connected to Digital Pin 3, and then there is a MOSFET that is connected to digital pin 5 of the Arduino. First of all you need to download Keypad. We will use tags that are based on the MIFARE protocol and the MFRC522 RFID reader, which cost just a couple of dollars. The 9-volt battery will provide the power needed for the Arduino to do its work and will also allow you to power other components connected to it. Aug 26, 2023 · Tutorial Arduino Kontrol Solenoid Door Lock Dengan Keypad 4x3. Wiring. So that’s the basic working principle and now let’s see how we can use RFID with Arduino and build our own RFID door lock. Keypad 4×3 adalah sekumpulan tombol yang In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use a keypad, servo motor, and Arduino together: If a user inputs an authorized password on the keypad, Arduino rotates the servo motor to 90°. 1101. May 20, 2019. Users interact with the system primarily through the push buttons and the LCD display. Tap an RFID Tag on RFID-RC522 module. Most Arduino pre-flashed ATMega 168 chips come with the default blink program pre installed. Therefore, we CANNOT connect the electromagnetic lock directly to Arduino pin. See the result on Serial Monitor. The first step to building a RFID door lock with a basic Arduino is to bread board out a basic working arduino. Jun 20, 2020 · Hey guys, in this video I am going to show you how to make a door lock using Arduino. ii ui il oe nz qw fq xj ws yp